Hello Readers! I'm back and better than ever with another article about developer productivity. I love the Terminal. After all that's where everything comes to an end. Or begins. (Only nerds get that joke.) Today I'm going to discuss four (yes, just 4 ) cool *nix tools , utilities that help you get things done faster once you integrate them into your workflow. tmux tree find ripgrep tmux tmux is a multiplexor. Do you log in to remote servers using ssh clients, like ssh and/or putty? Do you have to spawn multiple of those just to get more done? Does that slow you down? Of course it does. Well, look no further. Spawn one terminal and invoke the tmux . That's all you need! Spawn it with: $tmux Note: tmux may not be available by default. To install it, use your favorite package manager. This screen cast demos how to use tmux. Tmux, click for demo tree tree provides a nice layout of the directory structure ...
There's a lot of hype and anxiety over large language models like Chat GPT. Companies are scrambling to come up with their next AI offering as soon as possible to counter GPT. I've been thinking about how it will affect us as engineers and our company in the near future and in the longer term. Please read what follows with a grain of salt, as this is my opinion only. What is GPT capable of? GPT is an intelligent chat bot backed by a language model which can answer your questions contextually and make it appear creative. It allows you to do your job faster. Will GPT help us get to MVP faster? Maybe. It can write code but only in snippets. You're still responsible for gluing the code together. Today it’s a fast stack overflow. Will GPT replace you? Certainly not in the near term. Software engineering is about communication. A stakeholder won’t be able to communicate with GPT and get an MVP. As an engineer, you...