Vim Part 1 Welcome to the first installment of a short multi-part series on Vim. Engineers are obsessed with optimization. Optimization is a scientific endeavor. As engineers, sometimes we look into our own workflows and try to figure whether we could write better code. We ask ourselves questions, like: what if we could write faster? What if we could get rid of the drudge work in our text editing? Can our tools support us better? If you think of improving your workflow, like I do sometimes, then welcome aboard. What you are going to learn in this article is something timeless, I promise. I have provided GIFs for some Vim in action which shows keys pressed. Vim is a powerful text editor. It is quite popular and makes you more productive. Do you want to code at the speed of thought? Dive right in! I remember reading about Vim some 15 years ago in a UNIX book. A lot has changed in the tech world since then. New editors have been born and ...